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#saarfari festival

Thursday, June 27, 2024 | Saarbrücken

Impulse & Networking event for startups, scaleups, those interested in starting a business and investors

Das Festival 2024 is in the books!

Und was war das bitte für ein krasser Tag?  1 Jahr Vorarbeit, unzählige Abstimmungen in Calls, WhatsApp-Chats und Mails, Überforderung & Zweifel, Enthusiasmus & Drive... Getragen hat uns der Glaube daran, dass es sich immer auszahlt, einfach mal zu machen. Etwas zu wagen. Und die Resonanz spricht für sich:
👩👨 +180 Teilnehmende
🛫 +35 Startup Teams
🎙 +20 SpeakerInnen
🔟 +10 Sponsoren

So viele Menschen vor Ort waren und trotz der Hitze diesen positiven Vibe gelebt haben, den wir alle lieben. Zahlreiche SpeakerInnen, die ihre Expertise geteilt haben und mit großer Begeisterung auch in den Austausch gegangen sind. (Fast) alles funktioniert hat, was in monatelanger Vorarbeit geplant wurde.

Einfach nur DANKE!!

"The saarfari to Berlin was a real highlight and I was able to take strong inspiration into my own business."

Lena Rupp, Brain4Data



Are you tired of wannabe entrepreneurs and consultants telling you about building a startup? Us too! That's why you'll only find real greats on the #saarfari stage. People who have built impressive things and experienced all facets of being an entrepreneur.

Magdalena Oehl


Founder TALENT ROCKET, deputy chairwoman of the Startup Association

Her company specializes in developing digital, intelligent, and scalable career platforms tailored to sectors facing a shortage of skilled workers. Prior to launching Talent Rocket, Magdalena pursued simultaneous studies in law and communication sciences, and gained valuable experience in a prominent media law firm. Recognized as the European Woman of Legal Tech 2020 and serving as co-chair of the "Young Digital Economy" advisory board, Magdalena actively advocates for startups and provides innovative solutions to address the shortage of skilled workers.


Magdalena Oehl

Founder TALENT ROCKET, deputy chairwoman of the Startup Association

Her company specializes in developing digital, intelligent, and scalable career platforms tailored to sectors facing a shortage of skilled workers. Prior to launching Talent Rocket, Magdalena pursued simultaneous studies in law and communication sciences, and gained valuable experience in a prominent media law firm. Recognized as the European Woman of Legal Tech 2020 and serving as co-chair of the "Young Digital Economy" advisory board, Magdalena actively advocates for startups and provides innovative solutions to address the shortage of skilled workers.

More Speakers 2024

Content is king on the stages of our Startup Festival!

SAARLAND-Pitch 2.0


powered by

As a highlight of the saarfari Festival, this year's Saarland Pitch , which has established itself in Saarland and is being organized by Triathlon and the SWG for the 12th time, will take place as part of the festival.

The process



of all applicants on May 29th and June 3rd, 2024 online via MS Teams.

The best 16 teams will then have the opportunity to pitch on the festival day.


Morning Warm-Up

of the best 16 teams on the morning of June 27th (festival day) in Hall 4.

As a result, the final 4 will be selected by a high-caliber jury of experts.


Final 4 Pitch on main stage

The best four teams will present themselves to all festival visitors on June 27th (festival day) at 6 p.m. on the main stage in Hall 4.

The winning team will receive 5000 EUR in prize money!

Saarland Pitch


As part of the #saarfari Festival, the Startup Association from Berlin is visiting Saarland with its event series "Startup Association on Tour". The team from the office will give you insights into their work and look forward to exchanging ideas with you.


Franziska Teubert



Björn-Christian Ningel

Projektl. Landesgruppen


Jannis Gilde

Projektleiter Research

Collaboration and
is the best possibility to learn from each other.

More highlights


Pre pitches

The participating startup teams pitch in small groups in front of various juries to win the Final4 to determine. And the winning team will win €5,000!


Networking at its best...

There are numerous opportunities to exchange ideas around Halle4 throughout the day: roof terrace, beer garden, food tent, lounges, meeting cubes...



Techies are looking for ideas or techies are looking for business people. Either way, cofounders are often sought. They find each other at the festival.


Mainly good...

At the #saarfari Festival there is always delicious food and drinks, because you can only work effectively with a good foundation.

Investors at the festival

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Event location


Halbergstrasse 4, 66121 Saarbrücken

The festival takes place in the heart of Saarbrücken city center, namely in the Halle4 Coworking Space. The rooms, which were awarded the Saarland Architecture Prize, offer a relaxed and activating atmosphere to get the most out of your festival visit.


There are a limited number of free parking spaces available at the location. Otherwise there are public parking areas nearby.



The organization takes place in productive cooperation with our partners and sponsors from Startup Verband, Triathlon, saarländische Wagnisfinanzierungsgesellschaft mbH and EastSideFab.


Sponsors and partners


Media partner

We are delighted to have won Startup Insider as a media partner for the festival. On Startup Insider you will find all the information and stories about the latest startups, financing rounds and exits.

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